Classes in Spinning Yarn
Private lessons for spinning yarn are scheduled by appointment. Weekends are good, school holidays are better. We can travel to you (a travel fee will be charged) or you can come to us, in Boronia (no charge).
A private lesson is for 2 hours, for which the student has my full and undivided attention and will learn about fibre, about the operation of the spinning wheel, about spinning, plying and skeining. We supply all the wheels, equipment and fleece/fibre necessary. The student can then concentrate on spinning yarn. Students take home and keep what they make in the lesson; each student is given a reference booklet containing class notes and some contacts information regarding wool-related places and companies.
The cost of the lesson includes a complimentary wheel check, and students who own wheels already are encouraged to take advantage of this service.
Workshops, to teach a maximum of seven students, can be arranged accordingly. Enquire for your group.
To make an appointment, send an email to Marion. Or call 0409 250 969.