Media Coverage

Since the very first article about our unique approach to spinning was published in The Age Melbourne, we’ve garnered media attention from all over Australia and even the world. Whether it’s 3AW or the Metro London, dog owners just can’t seem to get enough of the fact that we’re able to make clothing from your pet’s fur. If you’d like to learn more about the distinctive service we provide then please feel free to follow the links below.

ABC TV Melbourne – Spinning yarn from your pet is the perfect way to keep them close long after they’re gone. Here we talk to Sarah Jaensch from ABC Melbourne about a recent project completed for Mr and Mrs Ewing and their Samoyed’s

Mail Online – Talking to the Mail Online about why the demand for clothing made from pet fur has never been higher.

Mashable – A fantastic piece on how we’ve used Spinning Pets Yarn to raise money for conservation in Antarctica and involve the local community.
Little Things – Celebrate the uniqueness of your pet with an equally unique knitted scarf or beanie, and keep them close to you forever

Daily Edition – For the full story on how Spinning Pets Yarn came to be

Channel 7 News – From household nuisance to fashion statement, we’ve made pet fur clothing mainstream.

Channel 10: The Project – Hear more about our pet fur beanies and get a fantastic insight into the reason why wearing your beloved four-legged friends fur may not be as creepy as you originally thought.

Order your own pet fur scarf, beanie or pullover today.

Phone 0409 250 969

The latest people to hear about Spinning Yarn in Antarctica are those in Hobart, who listen to ABC Radio....

Gary interviewed Marion on Drive, Thursday 27th July 2018, before the  Festival —


Lucie Cutting interviewed Marion on 7th August 2019, after the Antarctic Festival.


And even before that, Matt Mansfield had a quick chat in December 2011